Saturday, November 23, 2019

Biologically Safe Levels For Wireless Exposure Have Never Been Established

Biologically safe levels for long-term exposure to pulsed modulated non-ionizing wireless radiation at non-thermal levels, what today's wireless technology exposes us to, have never been established by any United States health regulatory agency.  Current safety guidelines are based upon the heating of tissue, or thermal effects, from short-term exposures only, and do not consider long-term non-thermal effects.

"The RFR (radiofrequency radiation) exposure limits were designed to protect the general public only from heating risks due to short-term exposure to this type of non-ionizing radiation. The limits were not designed to protect individuals from chronic exposure to low-intensity (i.e., non-thermal levels of) RFR. Yet the preponderance of peer-reviewed research on low-intensity RFR exposure finds biological effects and adverse health effects."  Joel M. Moskowitz,  Ph.D., Director of the Center for Family and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley | Worldwide Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Limits versus Health Effects

In 2002 (and prior) the EPA questioned the adequacy of the current U.S. RFR safety guidelines established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1996.  Yet U.S. RFR exposure guidelines are still the same today as they were in 1996, and are based upon thermal, or heating effects, only.  They still do not consider long-term exposure at non-thermal levels.

The 4G / 5G small cell antenna infrastructure is creating long-term exposures to exponentially higher levels of RFR at non-thermal levels.  NO safety is assured.

If someone tells you that 5G technology is going to use lower power or lower energy levels than 4G and 3G (and therefore assumed 'safer'), let them know it's not the power levels or energy levels that elicit the most severe  adverse biological effects.  It's the pulses and modulation that appear to be so biologically damaging, according to the scientists and medical professionals who have been studying this issue (see images HERE for a better understanding of modulation).

The 5G wireless infrastructure is in ADDITION to the 3G / 4G infrastructure, adding exponential levels of RFR to our environment, with no biological health impact or environmental impact assessment.

Large cell towers are not being removed as the 4G / 5G infrastructure is being built.  In fact, many large cell towers are getting taller with more cells and antenna.  RFR measurements are increasing exponentially across Michigan as the 4G / 5G infrastructure is being installed.

Because safe levels for long-term exposure to pulsed modulated non-ionizing RFR at non-thermal levels have never been established, we have absolutely NO assurance of safety from any of the wireless technology we are exposed to over the long-term.

We can limit cell phone use, use speaker-phone or air-tubes, turn WiFi 'off' at night, and shield 'smart' meter RFR.  But when a small cell antenna is installed on a light pole outside our bedroom window, our options to avoid excessive untested exposure to RFR  (already making some people very ill) are limited.

This is why we need an immediate moratorium on wireless infrastructure expansion including small cell antenna installations until safe levels for long-term exposure to pulsed modulated non-ionizing RFR at non-thermal levels are established. 

To protect your health, and the health of your loved-ones, please contact state lawmakers and ask for legislation placing a moratorium on wireless expansion until a systematic review of the science is done by independent researchers without conflicts of interest, and safe levels are established for long-term exposure to pulsed modulated non-ionizing RFR at non-thermal levels.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Smart Meter Fires - From A Property Claims Specialist

Image from HERE.

Hello         ,

Thank you for your email. Let me state at the beginning that you can share this email with whomever you believe it would be beneficial to.

The major issues in moving forward in dealing with defective Smart Meters and Fires which result from their malfunction are as follows:

  1. The fire departments investigating the fires need to have a category established in their incident reports to indicate a Smart Meter Malfunction should be considered. As it stands now, the cause is identified as electrical in nature, or cause cannot be identified.
  2. The function of the responding utility companies needs to be changed. The fire departments which are in route to a fire scene will call the local utility company requesting they come to shut off the electricity, and gas. The utility companies will ask a matter of practice remove the Smart Meter from the loss scene and hold it safely in their vaults. The only way that an Insurance Company can get to the meter at the present time is to subpoena the meter for testing, and the subpoena cost money.
  3. Finally, since I have been identified as the only Insurance Industry person speaking out against the Smart Meter debacle I can say that the Insurance Industry needs a change of heart and mind. I was told verbally, face to face, that the odds are still in favor of the Insurance Company. It is still Cheaper to pay the claim and subrogate against the utility company for recovery. However, as the Smart Meters age and the lithium batteries in them begin to wear out, leaking into the meter’s interior and going up in flames the balance sheet will tilt in favor of investigation. 
  4. I can personally state that it took the company which I work for 18 months of letter writing and subpoenas to obtain the opportunity to perform Destructive testing on the meter that failed and caused the fire. Even then, the settlement was sealed and the final payment to be kept secret from even me. 
  5. Insurance companies need to understand that the investigation of a claim involves determining the cause of the loss, and if that cause can be held responsible financially for the damages. If then takes the adjuster to a failed smart meter so be it. 

Norman Lambe
Property Claim Specialist
Precision Risk Management, Inc.
For Century-National Insurance, Co.
714-228-7900 ext. 1159

Image result for smart meter fire
Image from HERE.
Image from HERE.
Image from HERE.
Image from HERE.
Video and image from HERE.

"Radiofrequency Radiation Is Dangerous - It Could Kill You"

  Until about six year ago I had no idea there was a need for “safer technology.”  I’d been using computers ever since the 1970’s, though I ...